Friday, March 25, 2011

Exciting Things are Happening

It has just been much too long.

But let's not dwell on the THREE months that have flown by...
(Can you believe it!? We are three months into 2011!? A quarter of the way done!)
...and let's look forward to...


Tomorrow will be my first official post of the year consisting of my antics in the kitchen, and if you're curious about what's to come check out my "Bun in the Oven" for a clue!

But until then, have a wonderful Friday, and enjoy this afternoon.

Cupcakes & Kisses,

P.S!!!!! What are you looking forward to most: today, tomorrow, later this month, or later this year?
At school, home, work, or right here?
PLEASE, do tell.

1 comment:

  1. I am most looking forward to those Salted Butter Caramel cupcakes, and your blog post!

    But mostly the cupcakes. Maybe that's because I'm hungry right now =P
