Monday, June 13, 2011

No. Thank YOU.

As per usual, Open House Season has sufficiently interrupted any and all blogging plans I have had, but I guess that's a good thing.
Nothing wrong with being too busy with cake orders, right???

Right now I'm in the process of wrapping up open house orders.
And I am counting down the days until my last one.
Butttttt, no worries.
There is always a bright side.

Give me a moment to just get a little nostalgic and be totally honest with you.
I love doing open house cakes because there is nothing like having the opportunity to be a part of someone's celebration.
See, there is this bakery in town that approximately 92.37% of graduates around here get their open house cakes from, and for a graduate to opt to ask me to do their cake, it really is quite flattering.
Not because it makes me feel like I can measure up at all to the other bakeries in town, but because it's just really something special.
I mean think about it, someone is saying, "Hey, I'm throwing a party, and it's all about me, but I want you to be a part of it in some small way."

Every time people say, "Thanks for doing the cake," my jaw just drops a little.
"Thank you."
"Thanks for having faith in me."
"Thanks for having faith in my product."
"Thanks for supporting my business endeavors."
"Thanks for thinking of me to be a part of your ____________."
(Insert: special day, birthday, open house, wedding, celebration, etc...)

You probably think I'm exaggerating a little.
But totally legitimately, it warms my heart every time someone asks me to make a cake or cupcakes for their celebration.

And it's the absolute best when it's someone I have known for years.
(Especially around open house season.)
It's so exciting to make a cake for someone's graduation after I have watched them grow through high school and their teenage years.
This leads me to my most recent open house cake order.

This past weekend I did a cake and 120 cupcakes for my friend Zach.
He did drumline all fours years of high school; so I made a drum with drumsticks as a display cake, and then cupcakes for the guests.
Zach is definitely one of my best friends, and I was SO excited to have the opportunity to make his cake.
(Although, I may have sort of insisted on it....)
But that's besides the point!

The ironic thing about this friendship, is that I absolutely love this kid, and we have done some pretty awesome stuff together, (refer to my Hogwarts vacation post), yet we have only known each other for about a year and a half.
When we reminisced about this at his open house, it totally blew my mind because I feel like I have known him forever.
So even though I didn't know him all through his high school years, I am so proud of him, and so excited for him as he ventures off to do the whole college thing.

Congratulations, Zach!
And thanks so much for letting me be a part of your special day!

But what about all of you!?
All... five of you???
(P.S. If there are more than five of you out there, please comment, so that I know you exist.)
My loyal readers that patiently await as I neglect you and my blog.
Thank you.
Because without you reading this, everything I type would just be escaping into the vast wasteland that is the world wide web filled with over played MP3 files, and You Tube videos that have lost their novelty.
I mean, really, you can only watch the video to "Friday" so many times.
So thank you, for being a crucial part of my baking, cupcaking, blogging, and sharing.

Cupcakes & Kisses,


  1. Paula! I'm commenting! I love your blog, post more please! :-)

  2. Still sticking by that cake being AWESOME. And you totally deserve people's faith; you do a great job without fail!

  3. I'm just here to say, hi and i miss you and baking with you, too! <3

    love always,
